Notes On Long Term Fitness Goals For Women

You know what is Goal Setting , and without the realistic fitness goals, your fitness workout may lead you to nowhere. As you want to loose your weight, so you need to know how to set your fitness goals and from this post, you’ll get some completing ideas. I believe that fitness is not such a cheap thing to be achieved overnight and sand castle doesn’t last long. That’s why I prefer long term fitness goals for women.

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Fitness Goals and Expectations:

To set your long term weight loss goals, first of all, you need to be aware of your expectations. Recently, Anna Victoria talked about weight loss and you see, it relates to your goal setting . Anna’s experience showed that by lowering her expectations a bit, she was able to take the pressure off and achieve physical greatness. I thought this was an interesting concept, and so I begin this resourceful post with an opener on goal setting , shooting for stars, and how high to set the bar.

To Push, or Not to Push:

keys to fitness goals

What are the keys to effective goal setting? This is the question I began to ponder upon reading Anna’s experience. I’m a person who tends to perform well even under pressure. So, it will be a plus if you are free from all form of pressures. I was always the one who ended up studying for exams and writing that paper last minute; somehow, I always came out not just on top, but with honest to goodness stellar marks. There’s something to be said for the adrenaline and the rush that comes with doing things at the eleventh hour.

While I wouldn’t necessarily advise you to do the same, the logic here seems to be that the pressure and ultimately the urgency of the situation pushes to you to new heights. In terms of goal setting in the fitness world, this means that setting the bar higher and putting the pressure on ourselves to achieve more faster can perhaps trigger that sense of urgency and force us to actually get there.

After all, if the bar is set too low, we might never get where we want to be. Generally, it’s recognized that it’s best to set a goal that is challenging but not overly so, which brings me to my next point— goal-setting and overreaching. Some people believe that setting the bar too high puts unreasonable pressure on ourselves. The story goes, if we put too many restrictions on ourselves, we’re more likely to buckle under the extreme pressure to achieve our goals.

Finding the Balance:

get balanced

I’ve obviously pointed out two very different positions on goal setting. Both ends of the spectrum tend to have their negative points, so I would reasonable conclude that the key to effective goal setting is to know thyself . A one size fits all goal is not going to be effective. If you’re new to the game (and even if you’re not), it might take a few days to figure out what fitness level you’re at and what your body is truly capable of. You need to consider these factors every time you write up new goals to ensure that you’re actually challenged, but not overly so.

Second to knowing thyself is the importance of re-evaluating your goals often, on a weekly basis ideally. While your long-term goal of toning up might not change too much, your week- to- week goals deal with the specifics of how you’re planning on getting to the finish line, so they really should be reviewed and tweaked each week.

The idea is to take another step forward in the leg of the race, rather than just keeping pace by jogging on the spot. My experience taking it down a notch is an example of how you can be more conscious of what you’re striving towards for the week. Rather than simply shoot for the stars as I normally did, now I’m opted to go in with no expectations— which is, in a sense, my goal.

I just wanted to complete the race and have fun doing so. Sometimes, it doesn’t just have to be about fitness; reviewing your goals often helps makes sure you’re in this race for the right reasons. Bonus: you might find yourself even more motivated to get it done after putting things in perspective.

more two cents

More Two Cents… I suppose, as in most situations, moderation is the key. When goal- setting, strive to find that balance between the fun and the challenge. Pressure is not always a bad thing, but taking the heat off for once isn’t necessarily negative, either. Experiment with your expectations to see what helps you get it done.

Don’t Worry About Season, Make Your Fitness Goals Long-Term:

We’ve reached the beginning of the summer, so it’s time for a progress update on your Bikini Blast regimen. Here you’ll see the way of staying on track with your goals and avoiding the yo-yo dieting effect.

For those of you who’ve tried time and time before to get it right and shave that weight off, you know that it can be a hard task to stick to your guns in the face of temptation. More often, I learn about women falling off the band- wagon midway through their fitness and nutrition program, only to get (understandably) frustrated and not know how to continue. So, we should have a look on the importance of

Understanding and Rethinking Your Views on Weight Loss:

Successful weight management is more of a lifestyle than a diet . Diet tends to emphasize restriction, abstinence, and the idea that the way you’re handling your nutrition is a temporary change from your usual lifestyle. If someone tells you they’re going on a diet, you assume they’re going to be sticking to the salad bar for a few weeks until they reach their goal then be back to Pizza Hut with you in no time.

Diet is temporary, fleeting, and a short- term and obviously less effective solution to your current weight loss concerns which may have some side effects. It’s a flash in the pan concept that needs to be reworked to suit the reality of your goals. You want to get fit permanently, not just for the moment. Am I wrong?

Let’s scrap the idea of “diet” and think of it more in terms of what lifestyle changes you’ll be making over the long run . It sounds like a huge commitment, and let’s be serious for a second. Successful weight management is, indeed, a lifelong vow to alter unhealthy habits and make healthy choices.

Think of it as a marriage of you to your body. However, we’ve all experienced the effects of doing whatever we want to our bodies regardless of the costs. Right now, we’ve seen the proof of what happens when we lead this type of lifestyle and hey, if anyone’s okay with that, then this is an extra power to you. You love and accept your body and are genuinely happy with yourself. No one is going to tell you you’re wrong .

I’m assuming you’re reading this because there’s something about your health and appearance that you’d like to change in a reasonable way as a part of your journey to the fitness.. If that’s the case, you’ll need to make the decision as to whether or not you want to make this stick for good , or if you’re just seeking the “quick fix” something to make you less upset with yourself right now.

Identifying Temptations:

So we’re at that point, the beginning of the summer, and we’re getting prepped for back- to- school and everything else that goes along with debuting our new look. By now, you’ve been at it long enough to know what ails ya. Take the time to write down some of the challenges you’ve experienced during your journey up to this point.

Too much drinking? Summer air preventing you from making it to many of your gym sessions? Time to target what’s been the proverbial thorn in your side when it comes to working out and eating right .

Some of these challenges may be unique to the season— hot weather, beach waves, drinks on the terrace, and so forth. To help you maintaining your goals in the long term , extrapolate from these potential temptations to help you focus on the jist of what’s been keeping you from the gym.

If it’s generally all about the eating sangria, noshing on the patio, BBQs, etc, then you know you’ll need to adjust your efforts to account for all the food temptation you’re likely to face all the year round.

Find yourself mostly sleeping in during this warm weather? Feel more content lounging in the sun than in the gym? Eating clean might not be the challenge for you, but getting your butt to the bike path might be.

Troubleshooting Fallbacks:

At this point in the game, we know what our temptations are: fried foods during social events, being lazy on a Monday, and so forth. But what happens when you slip up and miss a session or give in and eat that cheeseburger ?

Beyond doing what you can to get your body back in the game, prevention is the best strategy to prevent future slip ups. Since you know by now what your temptations are, you’re likely to understand where the possibilities for indulgence are. Know that you’re normally prone to snacking in the office?

Devise a plan to run defence against the temptations that are bound to crop up while at work. If, by now, you realize you’re likely to miss your workouts due to summer procrastination, try formulating a similar plan to make sure you bypass those idle time temptations. The idea is to come up with at least a few preventative steps to help you stay on track and make sure you don’t slip up again.

Let’s take the workplace snacking as an example. To give you a sense of what kind of defensive steps you can come up with, let’s consider the root of workplace snacking. It’s usually not something you have control over, since most of the time the unhealthy foods are brought in by other people. Here’s a few things you can do:

  • Avoid walking by the danger zone. If you know the donuts and cookies are situated in the corner cube, avoid going near them if at all possible, period. The more distance you put between you and the dangerous food, the less likely you’ll be to grab a piece.
  • Bring your own arsenal of healthy snacks. If you keep your own palate occupied, you’ll be less likely to snack out of hunger.
  • Have a glass of water in hand. I’ve mentioned this before, but the more stuff you already tote in your hands, the less likely other people will be to shove junk food in your palms.

These are just a few examples, but you can certainly fashion your very own prevention plan based on the temptations you’re most vulnerable to. At this point, we all have certain things we’re more susceptible to; identify them and plan ahead. For me, it’s the potential peer pressure to drink socially. Now, let’s dive into deep to not to lose fitness track.

What To Do To Stay Tuned To Your Fitness Goals :

Life becomes difficult and even impossible without friends. However, what happens when most of the people you hang out with are big fans of takeout, long picnic days, alcohol, and ditching the morning jog? I started thinking about this in my own life as well.

Do your friends get the better of you and your fitness commitments?

My experience is not uncommon. I’ve been guilty of nixing the gym in favour of a full weekend movie marathon, complete with pizza, chips, you name it. When friends are in town or you’re staying with them– it’s hard to say no to all the gluttonous fare.

About a year ago, I was in grad school, complete with keggers, bar hopping, and general binge- drinking. “Any time” was the right time for a beer, whether studying or not. Since I was fresh into the program and new to the city, I definitely didn’t want to miss out on any of the social fun. I had to be there, and I wanted to be there.

The lifestyle definitely took its toll, and when I look back at it, I realize that there were a lot of unhealthy decisions made during my time in school. However, it’s difficult to completely regret being socially active. Sometimes, the fun can outweigh the fat, and that’s where it gets tricky. If everyone you know and hang out with counts excessive drinking, greasy food, and long periods of sitting as part of their regular routine, then it becomes doubly difficult to avoid getting ensnared in their choices, too.

What’s a girl to do?

The fact is, we’re not all losers, loners, or shut-ins, and even if we are, that doesn’t necessarily keep us free of peer-pressure. Unfortunately, our family, co-workers, fellow students , and even best friends can all potentially influence our eating and exercise patterns, for better or worse.

As much as we might try to surround ourselves with like minded friends, we’ll still be faced with some tough situations sooner or later in our day. Besides, variety really is the spice of life, and I wouldn’t stop being friends with someone solely based on their eating and exercise habits. Sometimes, a burger really is just a burger, and movie night can be just as fun.

As we all know, we can’t always control what life has to offer, whether it’s what we’re doing, Saturday night or who we’re going to have to interact with at work. However, the best offence is often a solid defence. Make sure you tune in to how you can navigate even the most trying social and real world scenarios below. Your guides to managing your fitness commitments, whatever the social situations:

  1. At Work
  2. During the Weekends
  3. On a Night Out
  4. While Spending Time With Your Sweetheart
  5. During the Holidays
  6. In Everyday Life

From my 12 years long fitness journey, I know that there are a lots of ways to fight the fat. So, I always put emphasis on long term soundness goals and I’m now going to show you a few more tips below.

Small Changes to Help You Meet Your Fitness Goals:

It’s still early 2017, but I thought I’d check in on your recent fitness resolutions. This year, I’m looking to be consistent with my workouts and healthy eating. I tend to be good for a few weeks, then take a week off, then have difficulty getting back in the game. If you’re feeling the burden of following through on your goals all at once, don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong with making the change in steps . So look to target small changes to help make the transition from flab to fab this year.

Make a Swap:

You might have vowed to clean up your diet and get rid of all that excess sugar nastiness, but you’re having some troubles going cold turkey. Instead, look to make one or two healthy substitutions a week. Used to using heavy cream in your coffee? Try milk instead. Do you usually order a tall, sugary, whipped drink before work? Try a nonfat latte instead.

Add a Little Green:

If you’re having troubles getting rid of stuff from your diet, see if you can add more of the good stuff instead. If you’re used to having pizza for lunch, double up with a salad or some raw veggies. This way, you’ll still get to have your ‘zah, but chances are the veggies will help you fill up so you won’t end up eating the full two slices anyway.

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself:

Yap, this one is meant to help you do away with unnecessary eating . Before you rip into a snack, stop and ask yourself how hungry you are. Taking a moment to pause and reflect before diving in can help you make smarter choices, so before your next meal, take a ten second breather and think about your appetite for a moment. Even if you actually are hungry and are ready to have dinner, reflecting before eating can also serve as a remind to pace yourself during your meal. Whether the hunger is real or not, shoveling down the food is never good.

Think Before You Drink:

There are a ton of hidden calories in liquid form, so if you’re looking to slim down this year, refer to point number 3. Okay, so cutting out all the soda can be difficult, but remember to count that can of pop as part of your calorie totals. This will give you a better idea of what and how much you’re actually consuming.

Tip: as a small step, pull a #1 and swap out one soda or other drink for a glass of water each day. You’re not giving up those fruity drinks all at once, but you are making a considerable step towards your goals of better health.

Go 20 For 20:

The average time it takes your brain to register that you’re full is about 20 minutes, so that’s all the more reason to take the time to savour your meals. No matter how hungry you might be, the speed race is best saved for the track (or that hotdog eating contest). Try chewing your food 10-20 times before swallowing ; this allows you to actually taste what you’re putting in your mouth, and also forces you to slow down your eating.

Other ways to slow it down can include avoiding spearing more food on your fork before you’re done chewing and swallowing what’s in your mouth. This way, you don’t have something lined up and ready to go down the hatch right away. Cutting your food into smaller mouthfuls can also be useful, as well as stopping to sip on water with your meal and as I really want you to burn your fat, I can’t but telling you the following.

Ramping up Your Daily Calorie Burn:

daily activity to burn calories

A big part of keeping your weight down is staying active in your everyday life. Beyond getting in those regular gym sessions, it’s what you do most of the time that really counts. See that you put a little bounce in your step and get active with these key suggestions for your fitness targets.

Break Up Your Sit Downs:

Most of us spend a good 7- 9 hours at work behind a computer or desk. Even if we’re active and working out on a regular basis, that’s a huge part of your day spent sitting. To rev up your system, make sure to take regular breaks away from your desk.

Go refill your glass at the water cooler across the floor, grab some post its from the supply cabinet, or simply take a brief five minute stroll around the office floor. Adding movement to a normally sedentary lifestyle gets the blood pumping, muscles twitching, and ultimately burns calories.

At my work, I try to balance powering through files with the occasional muscle- stretching. I make sure to keep my glass full at all times; this in itself gives me an excuse to get up and walk to the other side of the floor. You might even opt to stand up while talking on the phone.

Since I’m regularly dealing with client calls at my work, it’s not really feasible to be standing up; however, if you’re the one making the calls, you can try getting up for those quick 2-minute intervals. If you do this as often as your co-workers take smoke breaks, you can look to burn up to about 100 calories.

Be the Messenger:

Need a legitimate excuse to step away from your desk? Offer to courier a file to the HR department or other floor. You’ll get some exercise without feeling like you’re wasting work time. At my old job, I regularly delivered dockets to different execs, responded to calls and picked up files as well.

For a desk job, I was on- the- go quite a bit, which was actually refreshing. It gave me a good mental break from staring at a screen and allowed me to work those muscles in a more formal capacity. Bring a pair of comfortable shoes if your pumps are difficult to walk in; stash them under your desk or cube. Bonus points for taking the stairs every trip.

Go Out For Lunch:

Not exactly in the way it sounds. At my previous job, many of my co-workers opted to eat lunch at their desks because they were too swamped to get away at noon. Do this, and a 7.5 hour workday becomes an 8-hour chair warming marathon. Grab your bag lunch and take it outside.

Just getting away from desk adds a change of scenery and fresh air, which can be mentally stimulating as well as physically invigorating. Tack on the calories you’ll burn by walking to-and-from the park or courtyard, and you’ll actually be burning off part of your lunch .

Extend Your Travel Time:

You’ve likely heard this before, but do what you can to ensure you’re walking more. Park further away from the store, take a stroll down to the grocery store, ditch the car and hoof it to run errands. If you’re not especially busy, see how much of your day’s activities can be fulfilled by walking instead of taking the car.

This past two years, I’ve had the pleasure of living in the heart of downtown— close to work, close to the bar, close to the grocery store, and close to the gym. Beyond cutting down commute time, this also allowed me to get rid of the car altogether. I hoof it every time I go out, and I can honestly say that I enjoy it.

Not only does it up my calorie burn, but it also allows me to slow down and really take in the city. When you’re on foot, you notice the shops, the sights, and the people; when you’re in a car, you may miss all these little details as they’re whizzing by. In addition, my perception of time has changed a lot too.

When I used to drive everywhere, the thought of a 20-minute commute on foot seemed unreasonably far. Now, 20 minutes is nothing, and I don’t say that because I’ve become more fit or physically able to walk for the 20 minutes. If you’re walking everywhere for 15-20 minutes at a time, you grow accustomed to being on foot for that long.

Right now, the thought of a 40-minute stroll to visit a friend doesn’t phase me in the least (weather- dependent). I understand that I typically spend 15-20 minutes on foot running errands, so to tack on another 20 minutes is not a big deal.

Living central is obviously the ideal situation, since commuting on foot becomes the most efficient and economic solution. However, if you live in suburbia, you can still throw in a lot of walking to day, even if you’re situated far from your grocery store, work, or gym. Get out of the house, mow the lawn, garden, get off your butt. Get on foot when you’re out of suburbia; park the car on the side streets and then commute on foot to get in some extra steps.

Staying active in your everyday life is always very effective to keep you on your fitness track for long run and also it might mean occasionally sacrificing the convenience of having a car, but honestly, once you start moving around more, you’ll become less aware that you’re not sitting behind the wheel. Be reasonable about it— if you have to carry a lot of junk or pick up a lot of groceries, having a vehicle at your disposal can be a better solution.

However, if you’re stepping out to grab a single loaf of bread, maybe you can opt to leave the car at home this time. Try going car- less for one day a week; you’ll see that it makes a huge difference in the way you approach your health and fitness goals.

To conclude, this is not a complete guide on achieving long term fitness goals. But, the simple tips shared here will just help you to be focused on your fitness targets. If you have any other experiences which also will help us to stay tuned to fitness, please share those with us and let’s enjoy fitness together .